Our premium mussels are native to the pristine waters of the Galician estuaries, or ‘rias.’ Local watermen anchor wooden rafts to the sea floor. There the mussels feed on the rich sea life that rides the bracing currents off northern Spain, growing plump and meaty.

The protective atmosphere of our mussels packing maintains the sensory quality of the products and prolong their commercial life. It involves the removal of the air contained in the bag.

The thermal process or pasteurization, in addition to resembling a traditional stew, involves the elimination of the bacteria present in the mussel, extending its life and maintaining its organoleptic characteristics, since this process is carried out using its own juice.

Mussels are a food rich in protein, with a low fat content that provides a significant amount of iron, calcium, vitamin B, and vitamin B12.

More than 95% of Spanish mussels’ production is carried out off the coast of Galicia, a region located in the north-western corner of the Iberian Peninsula. Our Galician mussels are famous for their quality, which is made possible by a combination of factors, such as warm water temperature, high amounts of nutrients in the water, and location in areas shielded from unpredictable weather.

In addition to mussels we also supply the Dubai and UAE hospitality sector with clams, whelks, tuna loin, shrimps, crevettes, seabass and much more.

For more information call us on 04.8829791 or visit our website

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